This drama is about Na Hee-do, a passionate high school fencer whose dreams are shaken when her team disbands during South Korea’s 1990s financial crisis. At the same time, Baek Yi-jin, the eldest son of a family ruined by the same crisis, struggles to rebuild his life while taking on multiple jobs. The two meet by chance and form a deep connection as they support each other through life’s ups and downs. Over time, their bond grows from friendship into a heartfelt and bittersweet romance, as they face the challenges of growing up in a world full of uncertainties.
My opinion:
I recently re-watched this drama and I am happy that I did. It has a good mix of comedy, reality and romance, and that's why it stood out for me. I think we all know the movie 20th Century girl. I personally didn´t think they had a bad ending, but an early ending. This drama though, I can't explain how 15-year old me felt after that one scene where Yi-jin tied Hee-do's shoes. This drama is one of my favorites and it has multiple reasons. The first one is because they had chemistry BEFORE dating. They were so funny omg. They started of as strangers, then became friends and then became lovers. This drama also showed their personal struggles and how they were very different from each other.
This drama also shows the friendship between the 5 main characters. Hee-do became friends with the person she was fan of, Yu-rim. And I loved their friendship. I also really liked the friendship between Ji-un nd Seung wan. They were platonic soulmates and had funny but also heartfelt scenes together. I will never forget that Ji-un cried because of her. That scene was so sad. Something random, but I liked how this drama was about the 90's. I don't know why but I'm lowkey into those vibes.
Do I recommend it:
Yes, but good luck with the ending.
Available on:
Netflix, 16 episodes
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